Joining Our Directory

The Antislavery Directory is designed to help users find a local organization to donate time, skills or resources. Inclusion in the Antislavery Directory is not an endorsement of effectiveness, stewardship or mission. End Slavery Now encourages its users to responsibly research organizations to determine if their policies and programs are suitable to personal needs. End Slavery Now may include links providing direct access to other resources and websites, but is not responsible for the accuracy or content of the information. Links from End Slavery Now do not constitute an endorsement.

If you represent an organization and would like to be included in the Antislavery Directory, we require the following information:

  • Organization name
  • Website
  • Street address, city, state/province, zip code, country
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Link to career page and/or job listings
  • Link to volunteer page
  • Link to donation page
  • Links to social media channels
  • History, mission and vision statement
  • Jpeg version of the logo (200 x 200)

Please submit this application to join our directory. If you have an additional questions, please reach out to