The attached article from the Los Angeles Times reporting that Hyatt has become the latest hotel company to remove on-demand porn in their rooms represents another welcome indication that businesses are increasingly taking steps to play the role they must in contravening human trafficking and contemporary slavery of all types.
We have seen major credit card companies, including American Express, Visa and Master Card, no longer accept usage of their credit cards to buy ads on Backpage which so often have been used to solicit business involving sexual engagement that may even involve minors. An increasing number of chocolate manufacturers are committing to ensure that their pipeline for cocoa does not involve child or any form of enslaved labor.
New tools are being developed which will allow businesses to achieve much greater transparency in their supply chains, including multiple levels of suppliers, so they can identify areas of high risk involving involuntary labor or unacceptable labor practices.
“End Slavery Now” will continue to aggregate and post the latest news so that all of us as consumers can support those companies acting most responsibly in ensuring their products are free of “unfree” labor.
Sex Trafficking,
Policy Making,