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August 27, 2015 Christy Apisa Story

Insider Anti-Trafficking Information

One of my current projects is to get forced gang membership redefined as trafficking as forced child soldiering.

August 25, 2015 Video

Working with a Freedom Business in India and Moldova

Moldova is what people call a "source country," meaning that people are trafficked out of Moldova to other areas in the world for the purpose of sex and labor exploitation.

August 18, 2015 Cazzie Reyes Story

ESN Dispatch Sound Bites: Day One in Thailand

“They would pour hot water on us.”

August 10, 2015 Olivia Lee Opinion

A Culture of Judgement

How Personal Biases are Inhibiting Our Ability to Achieve True Social Justice and Freedom

August 06, 2015 Cazzie Reyes Spotlight

Starting an Independent Fair Trade Store

Global Village President Nancy Long shares her insights on the process of building and maintaining a fair trade shop.

August 03, 2015 Mariah Long Photos

TIP Heroes Tour of America

Meet the 2015 TIP Heroes!

July 29, 2015 Christy Apisa Story

Anti-Trafficking Apps of Interest

Fight human trafficking whenever and wherever you go. One touch on your phone screen can help you avoid slave-made goods or can assist you in anonymously reporting a potential case of trafficking.